New Information & what’s coming.

Posted: August 13, 2016 in Aspergers

Hey lovely people,

So in my last blog I said I would have more of my writing published yesterday. As it turns out that is proving to be a more difficult task than I expected. But I am not having trouble writing it, in fact yesterday and today has been the first time in too long that I’ve been able to transfer the words that I have in my head onto paper so effortlessly. But I’m feeling very nervous and if I’m honest, scared to share this one coming up. I can tell you that it is going to be a very hard-hitting, very frank piece about self-harm ( skin-picking ) from my own personal experience. It may be a sensitive read for some or even something that you may not have experienced yourself; ( in any way, whether it be yourself or someone you care about ) either way I only ask that once I’ve published this particular blog, if you decide to read please do so with an open mind. It is not easy for me to write about self-harm but my blog is a place where I feel comfortable and safe to share almost anything, and I also wanted to share this to hopefully play some part in creating awareness about self-harm, to reinforce to others who are going through or have been through the cycle of harming themselves that no matter how alone you feel, you’re not. There are people who will shun you, people who condemn you for what you’re doing to yourself, people who will show you why you were right to think “even if I do try to seek help no one will believe me”, the people who are closest to you won’t even notice the subtle but gradual changes in your behavior and what’s frustrating about that is you have those moments when you want someone, anyone to notice but at the same time you’re terrified of what people will do or say if they were to discover that you mutilate your own body. Well, please believe me when I say that I am not here to do any of that. The blog that I will be publishing very soon is not about passing judgement.

P.S. As well as here on WordPress I’m also going to start posting little bits of my ( writing ) work on Instagram, stuff that probably won’t be published here. Feel free to check it out if you want ( or not ).

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